Unfortunately, they lead to hard work relationships; and hard work relationships lead to emotional exhaustion and breakdown. 不幸的是,这会导致艰难的恋爱关系;艰难的恋爱关系会导致情感衰竭以及精神崩溃。
It would be nice if hard work and talent would automatically lead to a job with more pay, more responsibility, and a better title. But in most cases, it takes more than that to move to the next level. 如果勤劳和智慧能够自动给你带来一份薪资更高、责任更大、职位更好的工作的话,那是不错的。但是很多时候,要想达到另一个高度需要做出更多努力。
If you're not careful, working too hard and worrying too much can lead to burnout when everything seems bleak and you have nothing left to give. 如果你不注意休息而让自己工作太过辛苦,担心过多会因耗尽精力和体力而导致职业倦怠-似乎对什么都变得黯然神伤,这样你就没有什么可以给的了。
Her father showed her how hard work and discipline could lead to self-improvement. 她父亲让她明白努力工作,遵守纪律能够提高自身素质。
I want women to see that hard work can lead to a good future. 我想让女性知道努力工作可以获得好的未来。
Young tennis players growing up in Chengdu, the home to China's "Spice Girls" Zheng Jie& Yan Zi, are provided with constant inspiration and reminders that hard work can lead to great accomplishments. 成长在中国金花郑洁和晏紫家乡成都的青少年网球选手们从小就明白只有靠不懈的努力和拼搏才能在赛场上赢得胜利这个道理。
So what does a direct marketer have to do to get a hard sales lead instead of a soft impression? 那么,要想获得实在的销售线索,而不仅仅是空虚的投放次数,直销人员究竟应该怎样做呢?
By mixing refined graphite powder with clay, then heating it, he produced a firm hard lead. 把经过精炼的石墨粉末混合以泥土,然后进行加热烧结,他生产出了牢固而坚硬的铅。
It's certainly that you train very hard every weeks, but will it lead to make you drift apart your family and friends? 你每周的训练一定很忙,那你会不会因此而疏远的家人和朋友呢?
This returns because I lead hard, paying to lead. 这还因为我努力过,付出过。
It is believed that hard work can lead to success. 人们相信艰苦工作就能成功。
Think very hard about who you wanna lead the patrol. 仔细想由谁来带领巡逻队。
And his hard work may lead him to discover talents that he never knew he had. 而且,通过努力也许还能让他发现自己以前所不知道的才能。
Many of us always feel it is hard to lead a good life. 许多人都认为想要能过上好的一生非常的困难。
A kind of hard lead that is used for grids in storage batteries. 一种用于制造蓄电池铅板的硬铅。
Before choosing not to try, he should think hard about where it might lead. 在选择不去尝试之前,他应该认真考虑这一过程可能会导向何方。
Hard work and discipline could lead to self-improvement. 艰苦奋斗和严守纪律是改善自我的途径。
In many cases, hard work does lead to success. 在很多情况下,努力工作的确会导致成功。
It was not hard to get hundreds of pounds of lead, but very few men owned even an ounce of gold. 获得几百磅重的铅并不难,可几乎没人曾获得哪怕是一盎司的金子。
The team will be hard to lead. 队伍不好带啊。
Working hard or studying with sickness may lead to a decrease in effectiveness of the brain as well as damage the brain. 生病期间,仍然费劲工作或读书,可能导致大脑的有效性降低,从而损害大脑。
I've learned to trust and depend on others, to work hard and lead by example. 我学会了信任和依靠他人,学会了在打球和带领队伍时为大家做出榜样。
However, if he squeezes the real estate sector too hard, it could lead to a sharp slowdown in the economy. 然而,如果给房地产行业的压力过大,则有可能会导致经济急剧放缓。
Forming Mechanics and Remove of Hard Inclusion on Casting Lead Brass Surface 铸造铅黄铜表面硬质点的形成机理及消除
The opinion that believes only using mathematics can economics be a science or a hard science is under the lead of logical fallacy of appealing to authority. 那种认为只有数学才能使经济学成为科学乃至硬科学的观点,是犯了诉诸权威的逻辑谬误。
However, its poor storability and high vulnerability to injury and infestation due to the lack of hard skin protection may lead to rot, thus the commodity value was loss of. 但由于草莓耐贮藏性差,极易受损伤和遭受微生物侵染,导致腐烂而失去商品价值。
However, the poor wear resistance and unstable radius retention effect in drilling hard stratum lead to the PDC bit can not applied in hard stratum. 但是复合片钻头在中硬地层钻进时保径效果不稳定,直接影响了复合片钻头的地层适用性。
We tried hard to explain the mechanism of lead nephrosis from this point, and hope to provide a new way to cure this disease. 试图从这个角度阐释铅性肾病的发病机制,并为铅性肾病的防治提供新的思路。
Because of upper "hard legislation wound" lead to the border that environment public good legal action is dismantled by grave row in actual judicial practice. 由于立法上的硬伤,导致环境公益诉讼被严重排斥在司法实践的边沿。
At present, the bandwidth of resource hard disks is the main bottleneck for video servers, because, especially in a concurrent environment, simultaneous access to a hard disk will lead the disk bandwidth to a serious decline to severely restrict the capacity of video servers. 目前视频服务器的主要性能瓶颈在于资源磁盘的带宽,尤其是在多线程环境下,使用主流操作系统的磁盘I/O将导致磁盘带宽大大下降,严重制约服务器的性能。